Monday, June 25, 2007

Transformers: Members of the Coalition of the Willing?

I'm going to a conference tomorrow, and decided to check on the TSA's website to make sure I wasn't going to be breaking any of their wonderfully inane rules, like bringing 4 oz. of shampoo (horrors!) in my carry-on luggage.

I was quite surprised to find that they specifically allow "Toy Transformer Robots" (scroll down near the bottom). Even without that, Megatron would still be OK, because toy guns (so long as they don't look like real guns) are cool.

Furthermore, meat cleavers are prohibited by name in carry-on luggage (come on, you ban sabers and swords, ninja stars, and ice picks, and with all that, you still have to call out meat cleavers?!?!)

I'm glad our government is hard at work protecting us from Shampoo Bombers and insane butchers, but alas, they are falling behind in preventing the impending robot invasion!

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